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Junior spoke for the very first time at age seventeen, at a pool party for his church's youth and children ministry. Subsequent invitations slowly trickled in from other churches and groups in the immediate region. By his early to mid-twenties he had grown into a sought after speaker across the Southeast U.S.

Today he speaks nationally and internationally to Christian organizations, Bible-believing churches of all denominations, and on radio and television.

Junior also pastored during off-time or pauses in his athletic career. He interim pastored two Baptist churches and pastored a non-denominational Charismatic plant. These diverse pastoral stints were providential to his personal and ministerial growth. The resulting fruit was a broader, more accurate kingdom mentality; a stronger Ephesians 4:1-16 approach; and greater empathy and wisdom in his support for vocational pastors.

For statements, booking, and other info, see bottom.

The Beginning Years

Learning the Basics of Anointed Communication

Auburn, AL, Age 17

Auburn, AL, Age 17

This was my very first time speaking. What could I possibly have to say at 17 about a God so great as our God? I was born-again at 14, and during the intervening three years from then until this moment I had learned to have what they called back then "a quiet time with God" everyday. So I spoke on that! I shared a few scriptures and exhorted casually on meeting with the Lord first thing every day. To this very day, decades later, I still begin each day in the presence of God! Mark 1:35.

Panama City Beach, FL

Panama City Beach, FL

A couple of years later, speaking at a youth camp, I again spoke on meeting with the Lord daily. However, my intimacy with Him had grown, and therefore, my explanations and exhortations about engaging His presence were also growing more nuanced and more powerful.

Mobile, AL

Mobile, AL

Here I spoke to a large nondenominational church about the Second Coming and the Day of the Lord. The presence of the Lord manifested in great power, resulting in nine people coming forward to be born-again and dozens covering the altar to rededicate their hearts to Him.

Montgomery, AL

Montgomery, AL

This was a difficult time. I tried to preach strongly and urgently on the church becoming a House of Prayer, but my heart simply was not right. The content was accurate and pure, straight from the mandate of Matthew 21:13 and Isaiah 56:7, but I had much to learn about humility and mature authority.

Woodland, AL

Woodland, AL

By this time my theological and spiritual vision began to significantly improve. I tuned in heavily to the greatest commandments and tried to understand my vocational calling in the context of them. In this message I taught on the greatest commands, but more specifically, how our vocational destiny is one form of "loving others as we love ourselves."

The Expansion Years

Increasing in Wisdom & Fruitfulness

Cleveland, OH

Cleveland, OH

The more my own calling unfolded, the more inspired I felt to speak on destiny discovery, processing, and actualization. Here in Cleveland I spoke for four days on the destiny process of Elijah, charting the seven places he went to until he reached Abel Meholah, "the meadow of dancing."

Riverview, FL

Riverview, FL

This precious girl walked up to the front and asked for prayer while I was ministering. So I got on my knee and prayed with her, for her, and with the rest of the congregation. In this message I spoke on the role and activity of the Holy Spirit in the born-again life. If you speak with conviction on the Holy Spirit, expect and welcome Him to reveal His activity in spontaneous ways! Our churches are way, way, way too rigid and man-controlled.

Tampa Bay, FL

Tampa Bay, FL

During this Tampa-area conference I spoke on the three heavens, but more specifically, how we are supposed to live the born-again life from third heaven down not first heaven up. It was a message heavily focused on identity and how the Lord's transformation process in us is what experientializes that identity in real life in real time.

Denver, CO

Denver, CO

At this stage my messages on destiny discovery, processing, and actualization began to be framed within the Biblical concept of inheritance. At this Christmastime conference under the Rocky Mountains, I taught from several scriptures on inheritance, Old Testament and New, and how our vocational destiny is one part of the believer's inheritance in God.

Chicago, IL

Chicago, IL

As time grinds on and we grow deeper and deeper into the Lord, we learn more and more of His nature. At younger stages of spiritual development we tend to focus on His activities and blessings (what He can do for us). As we mature in Him, though, we transcend this secondary emphasis and better understand and intensely love His nature--who He is in all His immutable attributes in whom we live and move and have our being. Here in Chicago I gave a profound teaching and exhortation on this.

Crossdenominational Horizons

Kingdom Visions

St. Paul, MN

St. Paul, MN

Ahhh, waiting on the Lord. Walking with Him means waiting on Him in all kinds of ways with all kinds of timeframes. In this message I taught on on the five or six reasons God makes us wait, whether it is waiting a few minutes for Him to speak in a private prayer time or waiting several days, months, or years for Him to fulfill a substantial lifechanging promise.

Murfreesboro, TN

Murfreesboro, TN

Ministering in the United States means addressing the narcissism and entitlement that infects many American Christians. Populist messages that focus on people's earthly wishlist can grow ministries into obese organizations, but grieve the Holy Spirit because core New Testament doctrines are downplayed or shunned altogether. In this message I admonished strongly about New Testament Christianity and took ferocious aim at Christian narcissism, entitlement, and idolizing earthly wishlists.

San Diego, CA

San Diego, CA

Here in beautiful San Diego I spoke on relationships. When God wants to bless us, He sends or points to a person. When the enemy moves to steal, kill, and destroy, he, too, sends or nags us towards a person. And what do we do with those awkward in-between relationships, that seem to be neither entirely godly nor entirely evil? We need so much more wisdom and maturity on the laws and nuances of all relationships.

Las Cruces, NM

Las Cruces, NM

At The Dream Center I spoke on how the Spirit of liberty makes us free indeed. Paul said, wherever the Spirit of liberty abides there liberty will happen. But how, practically, does the Spirit actuate and create that personal freedom for us?

Olmsted, OH

Olmsted, OH

John the Revelator wrote, four times, about the seven spirits of God, meaning, the sevenfold Spirit of God. The basis is Isaiah 11:2. At this regional gathering in Ohio, I spoke on the sevenfold Spirit and learning to flow in and out of all seven expressions. I shared how personality type, denominational programming, culture/ethnicity, and other factors can make us dull or disabled to one or more of the seven expressions.

Ontario, Canada

Ontario, Canada

While doing leadership and organizational coaching for Youth For Christ in Waterdown, Canada, I was asked to attend and speak at a backyard baptism. I shared on the theological, historical, and practical meaning of the ordinance.

Sharon, PA

Sharon, PA

Doing Q&A across a variety of subjects with this lovely inner city church.

Murfreesboro, TN

Murfreesboro, TN

Revelation 1:8 says the Lord was and is and is to come. If, as 2Corinthians 3:18 says, we are being transformed into the very image of the Lord, how does that make me a person who "was and is and is to come" also? In this message I spoke on the peculiar, dynamic, Spirit-shepherded relationship we have with the full time spectrum of our life.

Miscellaneous Pics, Media, Moments

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